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Nvidia Discontinues Geforce Experience In Favor Of A New App

NVIDIA discontinues GeForce Experience in favor of a new app

The new NVIDIA app is currently in beta

NVIDIA has announced that it will be discontinuing its GeForce Experience software in favor of a new app, which is currently in beta. The new app will offer a number of new features and improvements, including a redesigned user interface, support for the latest NVIDIA graphics cards, and new features for gamers.

What's new in the NVIDIA app?

The new NVIDIA app includes a number of new features and improvements, including:

  • A redesigned user interface that is more intuitive and easier to use
  • Support for the latest NVIDIA graphics cards, including the GeForce RTX 20 series and the GeForce GTX 16 series
  • New features for gamers, such as the ability to capture and share screenshots and videos, and to optimize game settings for your specific hardware

How to get the NVIDIA app

The NVIDIA app is currently in beta, but you can download it from the NVIDIA website. Once you have downloaded the app, you can install it by following the on-screen instructions.

What happens to GeForce Experience?

NVIDIA has announced that it will be discontinuing GeForce Experience in favor of the new NVIDIA app. However, GeForce Experience will continue to be available for download for a limited time. After that, it will no longer be available.

What should I do if I'm using GeForce Experience?

If you are currently using GeForce Experience, you should switch to the new NVIDIA app as soon as possible. The new app offers a number of new features and improvements, and it will be the only NVIDIA software that is supported in the future.
